Meet the Maker

Woman in front of white brick and wood table

Hi, my name is Cori Hanks,

I love sipping coffee, making jewelry, spending time with my family, friends, and my dog.  Being creative and making crafts got me started on this amazing adventure. My grandmas large collection of costume accessories sparked my love for jewelry. After making my first simple piece, I was hooked! I am obsessed with stones. I spend a lot of time and energy bringing you the most unique, beautiful stones I can find.  My inspiration comes from the earth, the stones, and the natural beauty of life. So blessed and excited to make something for you or someone special.

100% Handmade

Everything is handmade by me, with passion and attention to detail. Every piece has its own personality, which I try to honor with quality materials, original design and fine craftsmanship.

I would love to create a custom piece of jewelry just for you! Feel free to Contact Me at one or all of these:


Instagram: @thefreckledolive_corihanks

Facebook: @thefreckledolive